Highlight the Pioneer heritage through preservation of historic pioneer buildings
- Support and incentivize historic preservation as noted below
- Highlight historic buildings through branding, wayfinding, and signage
Use park and trail network improvements to provide connections to the Native American and geological heritage of St. George
- Create an archeology exhibit at Confluence Park
- Strategically locate markers, telescope locations, interpretive signage along the trail network to identify known and visible archaeological sites
Preserve and protect features for future generations
- Create an archeological plan to guide the protection of current and future unknown archaeological sites
- Identify sensitive archaeological sites that require protection and enable policy to ensure appropriate protection
Continue to provide local incentives to encourage owners to maintain or pursue local landmark status. These incentives promote the preservation of historic buildings by expanding the potential use of historic homes, such as converting to commercial services and improving structures as necessary to ensure protection.
Encourage new development in historic character areas to complement, not replicate, historic features
Continue and expand art collaborations and programs such as the Art Around the Corner and Art in the Parks programs with artwork integration, live performances, and interpretive signage in public spaces
Promote art integration throughout the city by integrating art onto and within city infrastructure
- Electrical boxes, bridges, underpasses, walls, etc. are an excellent opportunity for art integration on public infrastructure
Allow property owners to activate blank, non-historic building surfaces with murals and other forms of art
- Murals can connect art, history, and facilitate public engagement in a vibrant and accessible way (rd)
Support the Arts District as the center for public and performing arts within St. George
Implement the vision for Arts and Culture within the Downtown (link to Downtown Area Plan)